AM Regulatory Solutions (AMRs), a venture with multidimensional network of clinical trial sites across India. Under the umbrella AMRs a team of highly skilled professionals and a network of multispecialty hospitals and medical colleges are working for betterment of human health. Our goal is to make participation of new drug clinical trial feasible for both medical fraternity and patients in every corner of Asia pacific region.
Working with a AMRs can benefit Sponsor/CRO/Site in a number of ways
AMRs Best For Your Trial
To keep the pace and alignment with changing rules and regulations of the regulatory authorities we keep on updating and training our team and meet expectations of our Participants, our Investigators, our Sponsors and our CRO partners.
We have an exclusive agreement with large multi-specialty hospitals and medical colleges who are having a pool of highly experienced clinical practitioners of various domains/specialties.
Each site team is comprised of experienced research coordinators, experienced clinical research investigators, experienced staff nurses, experienced pharmacists, and laboratory personnel.
Site/Network Managers, Directors, and an Executive staff ensure proper communication among sites.
Central QA/QC team for assurance of data quality and training of site team.
Comprehensive SOPs for each site/study activities.
All sites have customized and dedicated monitoring workspaces.